Our Story

STEPS Labour & Recruitment was founded by Ian Vedder. Ian is a professional engineer and multi-discipline project manager with 30 years industry experience. He has worked in the Power Generation, Oil & Gas, Mining, Dairy, Food & Beverage, Pulp and Paper, Industrial Refrigeration, Pharmaceutical and Water Treatment industries. Prior to starting STEPS Labour & Recruitment, Ian had 16 years governance experience founding and managing his own group of contracting, consulting, sales and distribution businesses. He also had 30-year executive and major Project Management experience. Ian had been contracted to the Engineering Registration Authority for 15 years as a lead assessor for the competence assessment of Professional Engineers (CPEng) technologists and technicians of all engineering disciplines applying for professional registration. This involved reviewing a wide range of multi-discipline engineering projects which gave him an extensive understanding of all engineering disciplines and industries and very broad engagement with the Engineering and Construction industries.

When the Covid-19 Global Pandemic closed international borders and government stimulus to the manufacturing and construction sectors increased demand this resulted in skilled labour shortages in Australia and New Zealand. This constrained the growth of Ian’s various businesses and their client’s businesses. As a consequence, Ian did what any good engineer would do. He came up with a solution. He applied his interviewing and engineering competency assessment skills, his practical experience in employing and managing skilled tradespersons, engineers, project managers, administration and management staff and leveraged his extensive network of contacts throughout the Engineering and Construction industries to start his own recruitment agency. STEPS Labour & Recruitment was established. This was a win-win solution as it helped to grow the capacity of the IPM Engineering Group of companies whilst also helping their various clients to grow and prosper resulting in greater demand for products and services.